3rd Article | Volume 02 | Issue 04

A Narrative Research on the Role of Parent- child Relationship among College Students’ Mental Health Help- seeking Behavior     

Nicole L. Lozano

Graduate Student, Philippine Normal University, Manila, Philippines 

Elyssa Maria Fatima G. Virrey

Graduate Student, Philippine Normal University, Manila, Philippines 

Teresita T. Rungduin, PhD

Vice President for Research, Extension, and Quality Assurance, Philippine Normal University, Manila, Philippines 


This study explored the role of the parent-child relationship in the mental health help-seeking behavior among Filipino college students. Specifically, it provides insight into the factors influencing college students' attitudes and experiences concerning mental health support. This study utilized narrative research, which examined the impact of parent-child closeness, involvement, and influence on students' sense of independence, decision-making, passion, and perspectives. The study also analyzed the significance of open communication, emotional freedom, and support that parents provide as college students transition into adulthood. The findings highlight that emotional factors, personal experiences, and exposure to information about mental health contribute to students' preference for informal support systems. College students value open communication, emotional freedom and support that parents provide as they go through the adult phase of their lives. Mental health stigma, invalidation, and lack of accessibility to mental health support were identified as significant challenges. However, students emphasized the benefits gained from engaging in mental health help-seeking, particularly when overcoming these challenges. The role of parents was seen as encompassing their perspective on mental health, the support and understanding they provide, and their approach to addressing the mental health needs of their adult children. These insights could be beneficial in creating more effective mental health interventions for college students. The study concludes that the parent-child relationship plays a crucial role in shaping the mental health help-seeking behavior of college students. 

Keywords: parent- child relationship, help- seeking behavior, mental health, college students

How to cite:

Lozano, N., Virrey, E. M. F., & Rungduin, T. (2024). A Narrative Research on the Role of Parent- child Relationship among College Students’ Mental Health Help- seeking Behavior. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovation. 2(4), 35-54. https://doi.org/10.17613/3cw8a-n1a22.


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