1st Article | Volume 02 | Issue 02

Assessing the Leadership and Managerial Competencies of Secondary School Principals in the City Schools Division of Masbate Amidst the COVID-19 Health Crisis  

Gregorio A. Legal, Ed.D.

Chief Education Supervisor, SGOD, Schools Division of Masbate City

Jolly T. Fernandez Avenue, City of Masbate, Philippines

Published: May 2024

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17613/fd2m-3x36


This study aimed to assess the leadership and managerial competencies of secondary school principals in the City Schools Division of Masbate amidst the COVID-19 health crisis. In this mixed research, a triangulation approach was employed. The primary respondents were secondary school principals, and one representative each from non-teaching staff, school coordinators, teachers, barangay officials, and PTA representatives from schools with full-fledged secondary school principals also participated in the survey. In total, 42 respondents contributed to the study. The analysis of data revealed significant findings: the school principals demonstrated a high level of proficiency in all Professional Standards for School Heads (PPSSH) domains, with a composite weighted mean of 3.16. Notable best practices included prioritizing the needs of others, active listening and responsiveness, collaboration, and a commitment to continuous improvement. Challenges encountered by school principals encompass managing unexpected events and continuous change, particularly in school safety and delivering instruction. In conclusion, this study found that school principals exhibited proficiency in various leadership domains during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study pinpointed deficiencies within the PPSSH area related to overseeing school operations and resources, along with focusing on teaching and learning. As a result, a solution was proposed in the form of a "Division Enhancement Training for School Heads on Educational Leadership and Professional Standards" aimed at tackling these issues

Keywords: leadership, managerial competencies, secondary school principals, COVID-19 health crisis, professional standards for school heads 

How to cite:

Legal, G. (2024). Assessing the Leadership and Managerial Competencies of Secondary School Principals in the City Schools Division of Masbate Amidst the COVID-19 Health Crisis. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovation. 2(2), 1-29. https://doi.org/10.17613/fd2m-3x36.


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