15th Article | Volume 02 | Issue 02

Examining the Influence of Brand Equity in Shaping Customer Purchase Intentions in Cebu City, Philippines

Nathaniel C. Cavada Jr.

Graduate School Student, Cebu Institute of Technology- University

Cebu City, Philippines

Mark Anthony N. Polinar

Teacher II, Mabolo National High School

Cebu City, Philippines

Jeovane E. Digal

Assistant to the BA Chair, Cebu Institute of Technology- University

Cebu City, Philippines

Alexander Feanco A. Delantar

Dean, Cebu Institute of Technology- University

Cebu City, Philippines

Published: May 2024

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17613/t96z-5g07


This study is intended to examine the parameters of brand equity that impact the customers’ purchase intention the most in Cebu City, Philippines. A descriptive approach under the quantitative method was utilized, making use of statistical methods to condense gathered data, establish comparisons, and extend findings to the larger population from which the sample was selected. Three hundred eighty-five (384) randomly selected respondents participated in the survey comprising Cebuano consumers. Using statistical treatments, the study has valuable and meaningful findings. The study revealed a significant difference between variables of brand equity, with brand association having the highest average mean. Also, the following were found: (1) customers who have patronized brand names they have a purchase history, (2) customers who chose brands with products that satisfy them, (3) customers who purchase products from store brands because they have better quality, (4) brand name is important when purchasing a specific product, (5) customers find the brand name as important in making purchasing decisions for brands. As per the respondents, the five items mentioned matter most in shaping their intention to purchase again, which signifies that brand experience, customer satisfaction, product quality, brand image, and informed purchase decisions for brands have the most impact on shaping customer purchase intentions in Cebu City, Philippines. The researchers concluded that local businesses should now start focusing on creating high-quality products that satisfy the needs and wants of their customers and maintain a strong brand image that resonates with them to provide the best customer experience possible and have the highest chances of achieving the desired customer behavior

Keywords: brand equity, brand loyalty, brand awareness, perceived brand quality, brand association, customer purchase intention

How to cite:

Cavada, N., Polinar, M. A., Digal, J., & Delantar, A. F. (2024). Examining the Influence of Brand Equity in Shaping Customer Purchase Intentions in Cebu City, Philippines. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovation. 2(2), 227-237. https://doi.org/10.17613/t96z-5g07.


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