2nd Article | Volume 02 | Issue 01

Ecopreneurship as an Innovative Pedagogy for Sustainable Development: An Action Research  

Babita Maharjan

MPhil Scholar, Kathmandu University School of Education

Lalitpur, Nepal

Netra K. Manandhar

Lecturer, Kathmandu University School of Education

Lalitpur, Nepal

Pushpa K. Sunar

Visiting Faculty, Kathmandu University School of Education

Lalitpur, Nepal

Published: February 2024

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17613/8x91-9g06.



Nepal has a diverse ethnic population, some of whom have indigenous knowledge. Their sociocultural knowledge has largely influenced their daily environmental sustainability practices as they highly respect Mother Nature. However, these days, in the name of modernization, people have slowly embraced Western culture and values by adding a disastrous footprint on the earth. They started to ignore the uniqueness of their indigenous knowledge, which prioritizes sustainability. Hence, this paper focuses on viewing indigenous knowledge as ecopreneurship and developing ecopreneurship as an innovative pedagogy for sustainable development. This paper applies action research to intervene in the current pedagogical practice to introduce ecopreneurship as an innovative pedagogy. The participants of this research are the teachers of grade eight of a private school from Lalitpur. This paper concludes that when students explore their indigenous knowledge, it creates an attachment to their indigenous know-how. They learn to value their ancestors’ knowledge for their contribution to ecology, sustainability, and self-dependence. Furthermore, ecopreneurship enables their learning to be authentic and meaningful through their active involvement in producing eco-friendly material, which they showcased at the fair and motivated them to think and act as ecopreneurs for sustainable development

Keywords: indigenous knowledge, ecopreneurship, innovative pedagogy, action research 

How to cite:

Maharjan, B., Manandhar, N. & Sunar, P. (2024). Ecopreneurship as an Innovative Pedagogy for Sustainable Development: An Action Research. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovation, 2(1), 21-32. https://doi.org/10.17613/8x91-9g06.


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