1st Article | Volume 02 | Issue 01
Improving Numerical Performance in Grade-7 Students through Effective Remedial Instruction
Pearl Marie A. Legal
Master Teacher I, Malbug National High School, Cawayan East District
Malbug, Cawayan, Masbate, Philippines
Gregorio A. Legal, EdD
Chief Education Supervisor, SGOD, Schools Division of Masbate City
Masbate City, Philippines
This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of remedial instruction in improving the numeracy skills of Grade 7 students at Malbug National High School during the school year 2023-2024. Adopting a quasi-experimental research design, the research focused on Grade 7 students at Malbug National High School, Cawayan East District, Masbate Province Division, Philippines, identified as non-numerates, employing pre-tests and post-tests as essential research tools. The independent variable was the remedial instruction in numeracy, while the dependent variable was students' numeracy performance measured through pre-tests and post-tests. Before the intervention, the pre-test numeracy performance exhibited a varied distribution of students across different score ranges. A majority fell into the "Needs Major Support" category, emphasizing the necessity for targeted interventions. The post-test results, however, revealed a remarkable improvement, with 87.88% of initially non-numerate students achieving scores in the "Transforming" range. A thorough statistical examination validated a notable disparity in the scores obtained before and after the instructional intervention, substantiating the favorable influence of remedial instruction. The calculated t-value of 19.594, exceeding the critical t-value, led to rejecting the null hypothesis. In conclusion, the study emphasizes the need for tailored interventions based on the initial deficiency in numeracy skills. The post-test results underscored the success of remedial instruction in fostering substantial growth. The study recommends sustaining the remedial program, implementing periodic assessments, providing teacher training, involving parents in students' development, allocating adequate resources, and further research in other schools to strengthen findings.
Keywords: numeracy skills, remedial instruction, grade 7 students, pre-tests, post-tests, non-numerates
How to cite:
Legal, P. M. & Legal, G. (2024). Improving Numerical Performance in Grade 7 Students through Effective Remedial Instruction. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovation, 2(1), 1-20. https://doi.org/10.17613/71xs-8z75.
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