11th Article | Volume 01 | Issue 04
Students’ Competency Level on Selected English 9 Competencies After Exposure to Video Lessons
Lovely Hazel M. Valde, M.A.
Junior High School Teacher, Mahaplag National High School
Mahaplag, Leyte, Philippines
Maria Victoria A. Gonzaga, Ed.D.
Faculty, Franciscan College of the Immaculate Conception
Baybay City, Philippines
This study's focus was to determine students' English competency level after exposure to video lessons as supplemental materials. The respondents of the study were 139 Grade 9 students of Mahaplag National High School coming from four sections enrolled for School Year 2022-2023. Quasi-experimental method of research particularly the pretest-posttest design was utilized in the study. Frequency counts, mean percentage score, weighted mean, standard deviation, and paired samples T-test were utilized in data analysis. Results of the study revealed that the competency level of the students on all three learning competencies before the exposure to video lessons is in the poor category. On the other hand, it was revealed in the study that after exposure to video lessons and through the administered post-test, students’ competency levels improved, which now belongs to the fair category. As to the student’s acceptance level of video lessons as supplemental materials, it was found that students positively accept video lessons as supplemental materials for selected English 9 competencies. It was also ascertained that there was a statistically significant increase in the scores of the students on all three competencies after exposure to video lessons. Furthermore, there was a significant increase in students' overall scores on the three competencies. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that video lessons can be a great supplemental material in teaching English 9 competencies.
Keywords: video lessons, supplemental materials, competency level, acceptance level
How to cite:
Valde, L. H. & Gonzaga, M. V. (2023). Students’ Competency Level on Selected English 9 Competencies After Exposure to Video Lessons. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovation. 1(4), 149-161. https://doi.org/10.17613/3vaj-ef36.
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