4th Article | Volume 01 | Issue 04
Applying Arne Naess's Ecosophy on DENR’s National Greening Program: A Phenomenological Analysis
Spencer P. Reyes
Faculty, Cebu Normal University
Cebu City, Philippines
This study applies Arne Naess’ ecosophy as a tool for possible progressive research material concerning the National Greening Program (NGP) of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). This study aims to conduct a phenomenological analysis of tree farming advantages, driven by a philosophical approach and practical strategy integrated through the principle of deep ecology. The philosophy of deep ecology presupposes ethics and the interrelatedness of human beings to nature that generally can be experienced anywhere. This study aims to assess the core motives, plans, objectives, strategic implications, initiatives, provisions, and the probable outcome of the said government program. To realize this, this research enunciates a possible parallel study between Naess's deep ecology and the DENR's goal. Since this study is concerned with the current situation of human beings, it delves into the context of the phenomenological research approach. It provides different perspectives on the other government officials who were once the program's authors and implementers. As this research goes on, the findings have various outlooks on applying deep ecology to facilitate the government's NGP. The crucial part of making this program absolute must be the participation of every individual in such advocacy as a sole environmental bailiff. However, the challenge never ceases to interrupt the goodwill of human beings. On the other hand, man's passion never fails to contribute to sustainable ecological preservation, biodiversity, reparation, and community commitment.
Keywords: Arne Dekke Eide Naess, deep ecology, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Ethics, National Greening Program
How to cite:
Reyes, S. (2023). Applying Arne Naess's Ecosophy on DENR’s National Greening Program: A Phenomenological Analysis. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovation. 1(4), 60-73. https://doi.org/10.17613/xrqd-4g96.
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