3rd Article | Volume 01 | Issue 04
A Structural Equation Model of Writing Skills: Mixed Method
Merlyn E. Arevalo
Assistant Professor I, North Eastern Mindanao State University
Tandag City, Philippines
Melissa C. Napil
Professor, University of Mindanao
Davao City, Philippines
The study's general objective is to determine the students' stance on the most appropriate model of writing skills, using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) as a basic design in the relationship of self-regulated learning strategies, communicative learning strategies, learning grammatical strategies, and writing skills. This study used a mixed-method sequential explanatory design, in which quantitative design is more widely used than qualitative Creswell, J., & Creswell, D. (2017). The researcher used the stratified random sampling technique for selecting respondents and, by using the Raosoft sample size calculator, identified 390 respondents using a four-part questionnaire to collect data. Purposive sampling is the method for determining participants in a qualitative design using a guided questionnaire to obtain data from In-Depth Interviews and Focus Group Discussions. Model 5 was the best-fitting model for writing skills, showing significant correlations with the exogenous variables: self-regulated learning strategies, communicative learning strategies, learning grammatical strategies, and writing skills as endogenous variables. Both the exogenous and endogenous variables obtained a high level of overall description, meaning that students often practiced strategies to cultivate writing skills. The participants' stance on the most appropriate model is essential for tertiary students to have different strategies for developing writing skills. It is necessary to reach the full description of the highest level by using different strategies to build writing skills.
Keywords: self-regulated learning strategies, communicative strategies, grammatical strategies, writing skills, structural models
How to cite:
Arevalo, M. & Napil, M. (2023). A Structural Equation Model of Writing Skills: Mixed Method. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovation. 1(4), 37-59. https://doi.org/10.17613/hb9g-5326.
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