11th Article | Volume 01 | Issue 02

A Descriptive Analysis on the Gender Issues in Teaching Physical Education  

Alonzo L. Mortejo


Faculty, College of Education

Bataan Peninsula State University, Philippines 

Published: May 2023

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7947463



The aim of the study is to examine the gender issues in physical education instruction at several state colleges and university schools in the Philippines. Utilizing descriptive research, data revealed that physical education teachers need to work on delivering subject matter, planning lessons, and developing didactics in a way that is more gender sensitive. More information demonstrated that physical education teachers lacked the education required to discuss gender concepts, regulations, and standards as well as development approaches in instructing physical education. It is advised that gender equality tools, learning resources, and knowledge products be produced and made accessible for usage in the classroom and coaching context in order to increase gender sensitivity in the teaching of physical education. Physical education instructors are also invited to take part in gender and development training to increase their understanding of gender issues and their capacity to give instruction that is gender sensitive. 

Keywords: Physical Education, Teacher, Gender Issues, Descriptive Analysis, Teaching

How to cite:

Mortejo, A. (2023). A Descriptive Analysis on the Gender Issues in Teaching Physical Education. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovation. 1(2), 154-161. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.7947463. https://www.ijmeri.com/mortejo-a.


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